
Simon Says

Aware that most of you are probably sick of hearing from Megan and me, for the latest installment of bamrtw we have, as promised, ceded the keyboard to our first guest writer...Dad Leese! [excited applause].

I am most honoured to be the first ‘guest blogger’ on the Ben and Megan odyssey, but having had to wait so patiently for them to arrive in Christchurch, it is the least they could do. They managed to pick a Jet Star flight which ran to schedule, and their (minimal) luggage improbably arrived with them – in all a good start. A biosecurity lapse enabled Ben’s running shoes to enter the country also, so what else was could be needed.

Safely installed ‘at home’, washing machine in action, and an acceptance that Jane had assumed they had not had a square meal in months, they have settled into a respite in Christchurch before the rigours of South America. Apparently objectives whilst here include finding jobs to go back to, ditto somewhere to live, and devise the plan for retrieving their material and canine possessions from the four corners of North America. That should keep them busy.

After a day’s R&R we all set off for Dunedin, with a four-hour run to the midday lunch booking at Fleur’s Place, Moraeki arriving minute perfect (you can do that in New Zealand).

The run down the country’s main arterial route (one lane each way and passing places at intervals) could hardly be regarded as stressful. A delightful couple of hours in the sunshine, and then off to book into The Brothers’ boutique B&B. The place used to be the home of the Brothers who staffed the Roman Catholic Cathedral adjacent to it. The happy couple found themselves in the unique ‘Chapel’ room, whilst we repaired to a dowdy garret elsewhere… En route, we caught up with Tom (currently laying firm foundations for a career in sales and marketing selling up-market car polish to anyone who strays too close and can’t handle his badinage). Then on to the national schools’ choral federation finale concert in the Town Hall, to see ‘my’ choirs outperform every other effort from all over the country. Inexplicably, three very high-powered judges allowed swine flu symptoms to get the better of them, and the top spot went elsewhere – but we took it well.

After a night’s diligent prayer in the Chapel, the happy couple enjoyed a run along the Dunedin peninsula to meet Simon Richardson, who is charged with the unenviable task of committing my visage to canvas, under commission by my Board. He tells me he can mix botox in with the pigment with splendid results. Ben found talking to his gorgeous wife whilst trying not to be distracted by her framed naked form on the walls something of a discipline, but all were very impressed by the part completed work.

Then on to the Albatross colony at the end of the peninsula – a fascinating insight into these amazing birds, most of whom weren’t there. Five days non stop flight time to Chile was just one amazing fact, along with pairs bonding for life of up forty years, but spending most of each two year breeding cycle apart and doing their own thing. Sounds perfect. (Most of the birds in this photo are shags, but there is one albatross visible as a white speck!)

Also on view was a WW2 Armstrong disappearing gun in restored condition, in its emplacement to defend Dunedin harbour. In the large circular gun chamber, the 360 degree aiming marks around the walls included a segment marked with a thick red line and the words ‘LIGHTHOUSE’. Worth a reminder, we thought…

On the way back to Christchurch we stopped off to look at the Moeraki Boulders, an extraordinary geological formation revered by Maori for their mystical significance. Ben, on the other hand, thought one of them looked like a breaking dinosaur egg and decided to hatch out.

Spring is springing in Christchurch, with cherry blossom and azaleas everywhere for the pair of them to run round. Far too much energy.


  1. Excellent guest blogger...bloggist...blogologist. I know you are all enjoying each other and all that New Zealand has to offer and the kids are getting some rest (?) Need to see more pictures of Jane and Thomas, though.

  2. I love the guest blogger. Gorgeous picture of everyone, and I'm glad the Honeymooning Two are able to catch up on rest and computer-time, as well as seeing the amazing New Zealand countryside.
